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Deliverance from Entitlement

Feb 16, 2025    Bonnie Abel

Moments after we see the Israelite people exit the Red Sea and walk into freedom, we hear them cry out for what they believe they now deserve from God. They quickly go from the joy of the exodus to the disdain of the desert. We read this and think to ourselves – how could they be so ungrateful? I would never act that way if God delivered me from such a moment in my life! But the reality is we all struggle with the sin of entitlement. Often times when we don’t get what we believe we deserve; things we believe we’ve worked for and earned, we turn to God and complain and express the feeling that “life isn’t fair!” But there is a danger in complaining to God if we turn that complaint into accusations of what God isn’t doing for us. This Sunday let’s look at how we can cry out to God through lament as we ask for deliverance from entitlement.