Our church engages in many local, regional, national, and international missions throughout the year. There are always opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” — Acts 1:8

Summer Lunch Program

Sign up today to be a part of our Summer Lunch Program!
Our church will be serving on Mondays at all three locations which includes: St. Jacob Elementary, Meadows Park in Troy and the Troy Library. Come out and serve in our communities for the children in our towns to have access to free lunches. This program is something that you can do on your own, with a friend, or with your family! All are invited!

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to our Discipleship Pastor at bonnie@troymc.org.

Get Involved

You will find mission initiatives on our events calendar. Contact Bonnie Abel (below) if you want help taking your next step.

Join a Mission-Oriented Church Group

Women: The women's ministry is actively involved in missions, such as fundraising and crafting items for charity.
Students: The New Life Student Ministry participates in several service projects and trips every year.
Everyone: The Care Ministry serves the Troy MC congregation by providing thoughtful care to those in need.

Support a Local Food Pantry

Each week, you can pick up an extra item or two at the grocery store and drop it off at your local food pantry, or drop it off at the church, and we'll take it to the Troy food pantry. Be sure to check the pantry's current needs before you donate!
You may also want to consider volunteering at a local food pantry. See the list below.

Volunteer with the Church

As our church expands its ministry and mission reach, there are always opportunities to serve in a ministry or volunteer for special events. Join our email list to get information about current needs and opportunities.
Feed the 5000 event
volunteers at the Feed the 5000 event

Want to be on mission with Troy Methodist Church?

Fill out the form below, and our Discipleship Pastor, Bonnie Abel, will get you the information you need.